Picklist Options

Understanding picklist options in Skublox

Skublox lets you sort items with or without a picklist:

  • Sorting without a picklist – Pull products from any fulfillable order in your account
  • Sorting with a picklist – Sort items for specific groups of orders chosen in Sellercloud, such as rush orders, orders by product, or destination

Choosing a picklist option

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Select your sorting wall > Select Without picklist or With picklist.Sorting with or without a picklist

Searching recent picklists

Skublox only supports picklists with an Open status.
  1. Select sorting With picklist.
  2. Select Recent. The most recent picklists will appear first.
    Access to recent picklists

Searching specific picklists

Skublox only supports picklists with an Open status.
  1. Select sorting With picklist.
  2. Select Specific.
  3. Enter the Picklist ID.Enter picklist ID



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